The increasing use of the Internet and social media for the management of relational networks and for research and information sharing raises significant questions about the information quality. Eli Pariser, a specialist in viral dissemination of relevant content on the Internet, talks about the phenomenon of Filter Bubbles, where users are unknowingly trapped in protective bubbles created by search engines and applications, which adopt filters in an automatic and often implicit way.

The reliability and validity of content shared online are also threatened by another important factor: the phenomenon of fake, e.g., fake content and fake profiles. Bogus reviews, introduced to discredit (or advertise ) products, services, and events, alter users' choices and influence public opinion and, eventually, the market.

The main objective of MIB is to give back to users the control of reachability, authenticity, and relevance of the information available on social media and the Web. The goal will be achieved through the implementation of a mechanism, the ``My Information Bubble", whose implementation will run on the most popular platforms on the web (e.g., Google) and the social media (e.g., Twitter and Facebook):

  • 1) breaking down the filter bubbles (the automatic filtering of the data),
  • 2) identifying false information, and
  • 3) giving the user the possibility to dynamically customize the interaction with social platforms and search engines.

The MIB project started in June 2014 and will last for two years. It is funded by and hosted at IIT (Institute of Informatics and Telematics) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR).